
Please see our various research and conference presentations on the role of compassion in mental health

Compassion, social connectedness and trauma resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: A multi-national study

Compassion, social connectedness and trauma resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: A multi-national study

Fears of compassion magnify the harmful effects of threat of COVID-19 on mental health and social safeness across 21 countries. Click here to read the article.

6th Greek Conference for Cognitive Therapies, Thessaloniki, 2019

6th Greek Conference for Cognitive Therapies, Thessaloniki, 2019

Compassion Focused Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive and Body Dysmorphic Disorder: a case study 
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7th International Conference of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, London 2018

7th International Conference of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, London 2018

Compassion Focused Therapy, applied tension and exposure therapy for blood phobia and shame of fainting, a case study
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5th Greek Conference for Clinical and Health Psychology, Athens, 2016

5th Greek Conference for Clinical and Health Psychology, Athens, 2016

Compassion: definition and psychometric tools Read more

5th Greek Conference for Clinical and Health Psychology, Athens, 2016

5th Greek Conference for Clinical and Health Psychology, Athens, 2016

Compassion Focused Therapy: a presentation Read more

Compassion as a mediator between stressful events and perceived stress in Greek students

Compassion as a mediator between stressful events and perceived stress in Greek students

E. Tholouli A. Maridaki-Kassotaki, L. Varvogli, G.P. Chrousos

Journal article in: Psychiatriki 2016, 27:89–97

Compassion is closely related with human’s survival as a mammal and has been developed through evolution for pain reduction, for forming affiliative bonds and alliances with non kin in order to increase protection and cope with external threats

4th International Conference of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, Manchester 2015

4th International Conference of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, Manchester 2015

The role of compassion on perceived stress, stressful events and attachment styles
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